I started learning and researching new technologies to create an Android and iOS application for a new product. I found that Ionic2 is no longer suitable for my needs, so I decided to use Flutter instead. Flutter is a great tool for building cross-platform applications that perform like native apps. I trained my team on Flutter and we used it to design a crypto wallet. We used NodeJS and Express to build the backend service API, which has multiple functions. We also learned about Shamir Secret Sharing, which we used to keep the seed and backup for user in safe. This is a centralized application, but users need to enter a password to unlock the seed decryption. The wallet can be used to send, receive, and withdraw points to fiat currency, but these functions are only available to employees. We also built several lucky games and lottery games using the business logic in Solidity Smart Contracts on Tomochain. To filter log data from the smart contract events and store it in external blockchains like MySQL and Firestore, we used Web3 and EtherJS. FlutterDartDockerGitFirebaseFirestoreFirebase AuthenticationEVMSolidityRemixHardHatWeb3EtherJSGoogle SpreadSheetAWS EC2AWS ElasticsearchMySQLMongoDBERC20ERC1155RESTfulAPIRPCShamir Secret SharingBIP39BIP44NodeJSExpressIPFS